Being the Big Brother house, it was never going to be too long before a couple of guests grabbed an intimate bathtime moment.
But it wasn't romance on the agenda for the first pair brave enough to get under the bubbles (and cameras).
Never-dull duo Jedward eschewed their housemates and whacked out the smellies for a soap-sudded first day chez Big Brother.
The twins appeared perfectly comfortable sharing the (not very big) tub as they relaxed after what must have been an exhausting day.

And not content to stay indoors, they also took their watery hijinks outdors when they woke up early the following morning, braving a dip in the swanky new pool.
They tested the water (oddly with sock-clad feet) first to decide whether they were man enough to take the plunge, then bravely stripped out of their smart suits to face the unusually chilly August air.

Naturally they were decked out in matching nautical style striped trunks for the entire experience.
Their gravity-defying hairdos remained immobile as ever, as pert after their dip as they were when they entered the house.
At one point it appeared that one twin was taking things rather more seriously than the other, glaring crossly at his brother, who was splashing him while he was attempting to swim lengths.
But all thoughts of exercise were soon far from both their minds as they lay back side by side and peacefully took in their surroundings.

Jedward are famous for their tendency to do everything together.
When news emerged that there were only going to be 11 beds available for the 12 housemates,the twins apparently exclaimed that it wouldn't be a problem as they insisted on sharing a bed anyway.
And who could forget the infamous moment on X Factor, when in reply to a question about their love lives John replied: 'We haven't really had a girlfriend, like a proper girlfriend.'

That's not funny: One twin seemed in a jokey mood, while the other was more interested in getting some lengths done

But despite their closeness, they seem to be getting on well with the other housemates.
The pair were excited to discover that Kerry Katona's hairstyle bore a remarkable resemblance to their trademark quiffs, and bonded with the singer and reality star over their matching 'dos.
They had much less trouble understanding the Warrington girl's accent than American Tara Reid, who couldn't even make out Kerry's name when they first met.

Let's hope their high maintenance styles don't cause any unforeseen rifts. Jedward may provide some competition for the girls, having declared that they are prepared to 'fight for hairspray' with the girls.
They boys admitted they used up to a bottle a day.
Many are doubtless curious as to how the boys' crops look au naturel, but it may be a while before they find out. When one of the twins looked up after being disturbed in his sleep, the cameras caught his quiff in all its usual glory.

source: dailymail
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