Thursday, September 8, 2011

Justin Bieber Films "No Texting and Driving" PSA

Justin Bieber spent his Labor Day filming a public service announcement for his "No Texting and Driving" campaign in Avondale Estates, Georgia. Last July Justin issued a statement about his new campaign:
"As a 17-year-old driver, I am aware of the countless distractions that we teenagers face on the road, and texting is one that is preventable. There are too many young people, like Alex Brown, whom we've lost because of texting while driving, and it is my hope that, through this partnership with PhoneGuard, we will raise awareness of this issue and create safer conditions for everyone on the road."
Way to go Justin! Its so great to see a young and influential start speak up about this important issue. We Beliebers have got to stay safe on the road!
Story source: Perez Hilton
Picture source:

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